About the Artist

Hello, my name is Holly. I am a creative person who uses the pronouns she/her/hers. I believe in reproductive freedom, science, climate change, and racial justice. I am married and am the mother of two sons, two dogs, two cats, a tortoise, and a gecko! I worked at an animal hospital most of my adult life until my business erupted and I needed to commit to my art full time.. a wonderful problem to have!

When I became a new parent I found I desperately wanted to preserve that delicate, transitional time from infancy to childhood. Breastfeeding was a labor of love, and I needed something to hold on to in remembrance. That is when i had the idea to preserve breastmilk into keepsakes. 

My mission is to bring awareness to my preservation service especially for bereaved families and those experiencing a transitional period with their children. A keepsake can be an important healing tool for many encountering a period of change regardless of the reason. 

When choosing to have your breastmilk preserved please keep in mind that I am the original creator of this concept. I am also the only one who touches your inclusion from start to finish. My preservation services also include inclusions such as cremains, placenta, umbilical cord, hair, flowers and organics, sand, fabric, nails, medication (ask me about that story!), and nearly anything else you can think of! Please take my expertise into consideration when choosing to have something so precious and personal preserved.

When you trust me with your story I lock it away and use it when creating your keepsake. It inspires me, it fuels me, it ignites that creative drive and I use it! Quite literally YOU inspire my work!! Thank you for trusting me with your precious memories, words will never capture the gratitude I have for you. I'm so honored you are here. ♥  


